The blade of a tachi, like the blade of a katana, measures approximately 29 inches (73 cm). Thus, a tachi and a katana do not differ in length, but in curvature. Originally intended as a saber for the cavalry, a tachi has a stronger curvature along the entire blade than the katana.

What Is the Difference between Katana and Tachi?

A tachi and a katana are the same length, but differ in their curvature.

The same shape does not make it as easy to draw as the katana, therefore it is a sword that would have been drawn before battle and not during the battle itself.

The tachi is not carried with the blade up like the katana, but with the blade down. Not just for reasons of etiquette, but also for the comfort of the warrior at the time of battle.

The samurai sword “tachi” predates the katana

In contrast to the katana, the tachi is not suitable for stabbing, it focuses much more on sharp and charged blows, hence it requires wider movements and is even more devastating in battle. The tachi is therefore slower in use than a katana, but when used well, it delivers stronger blows than a katana. For this reason, the tachi is a weapon that works best outdoors, where its bearer does not have to worry about harming an ally.

The tachi was born before the katana and reminds of an earlier era of Japanese history. It is believed that this samurai sword was used during the Koto period (900 to 1596).

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