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Buy Training Swords

Here you will find high-quality training swords: bamboo swords for Kendo (Shinai), wooden swords for various Japanese martial arts (Bokken / Bokutō), and real Katana with blunt blades (Iaitō).

Training Swords Shop

All Katana in our shop can be ordered blunt, making them ideal as Iaido swords (the art of sword drawing). For Kendō training, we also offer Shinai (bamboo swords) and Bokken (wooden swords) specifically designed for the safe practice of Japanese martial arts.


For the Kendō sport competition, a bamboo sword known as a Shinai is used.

Bokken Wooden Katana

The Wooden Katana Bokken, also known as Bokuto, replaces a Katana during Japanese martial arts training sessions. It allows safe practice of Kendō, Aikidō, Jōdō, Kenjutsu, and Iaidō.

Buy Iaitō Katana

An Iaitō is a blunt Katana, specifically designed for training in the art of sword drawing (Iaidō). Unlike a Bokken, an Iaitō Katana can have a blunt blade made of carbon steel or aluminum.

All our Custom Katana and Katana in the shop can be ordered blunt and thus used as Iaitō swords.